- FedTek -
Services Request Form
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February 9, 2017 @ 10:32 am
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Request for Services
Please fill out form to request services from FedTek.
Work Email
Work Phone Number
Work Street Address
City, State
Zip Code
Agency or Type of Business
Commercial or Private Sector
Dept of Agriculture
Dept of Commerce
Dept of Defense
Dept of Education
Dept of Energy
Dept of Health and Human Services
Dept of Homeland Security
Dept of Housing and Urban Development
Dept of Interior
Dept of Justice
Dept of Labor
Dept of State
Dept of Transportation
Dept of treasury
Dept of Veteran Affairs
Civilian/Independent Agencies
Other Federal Government
Air Force
Other Armed Services
House of Reps/Senate
State Government
Local Government
Please verify all information below to prevent delays in service delivery...
Serial Number
The serial number is a ten or twelve digit alpha-numberic number that is unique to your product. (e.g. CSN65BM18V)
Confirm Serial Number
Spare Part Number (if available)
If you have it, please provide the spare part number of the failed part. For hard drives, it can be found on the front label of the drive. If you do not have the spare part number of the drive, please provide the site and speed of the drive in the description field.
Product Number
The Product Number is a six or seven-digit alpha-numeric number that identifies your product (e.g. C8376A, BBF40EA, 456895-002)
Problem Description and Additional Notes (including more serial numbers)
File Upload (up to 512MB)
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf.
Delivery Time
As soon as possible (Will depend on the unit's warranty service level and is subject to part availability)
Scheduled Delivery (Use this option if your business has limited hours or if no one will be available to receive the part if sent ASAP)
Note: Delivery times are approximate and cannot be guaranteed. Same day delivery may take up to 4 hours and require a signature.